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2023 Summer Webinar Series

2023 Summer Webinar Series

Thank you for joining us for our 2023 Summer Webinar Series. We hope that the speakers were informative and provided you with great information to share with your staff.

All of PACAH's webinar series are open to both PACAH members and non-members and offer competitive pricing. 


Wednesday, July 12, 2023
11 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Creating and Maintaining a Secure Environment***


In today's society, creating and maintaining a secure environment is critical. In this session, we will look at steps that can be taken to create a safe and secure environment, and ways the "bad guy" will try to circumvent your security measures in order to wreak havoc. We will also look at the elements of an effective Security Management program in the LTC community, including introducing the P2T2® system for total security management.

Steve Wilder, BA, CHSP, STS
President & CEO
Sorensen, Wilder & Associates

***This session is eligible for Pennsylvania NHA Board Emergency Preparedness and Infection Control Specific CEUs

PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023
11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Recognition and Response to Domestic Violence as a Workplace and Workforce Issue


Every workplace has employees who are not safe at home. Domestic violence impacts 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men nationwide. 27 % of workplace violence incidents have a precursor in domestic violence. Workshop attendees will create a road map for their organization to recognize, respond and connect employee survivors of intimate partner violence to support and learn the elements of ensuring a safe and equitable work environment.

Mary Onufer
Senior Account Executive

PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Overview Guide for Managers (PDF)

Recognize Guide (PDF)

Respond Guide (PDF)

Safety Planning Guide (PDF)

Roadmap for Employers (PDF)

Partner Violence vs. Sexual Harassment (PDF)

Wednesday, August 9, 2023
11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Understanding and Implementing an Effective Infection Prevention Program***


Implementation of a robust, effective infection prevention program is a key element in providing a safe environment for residents, staff and visitors but can seem a daunting task. This presentation will discuss the key elements of an infection prevention program and identify available tools to evaluate and enhance your program. The basics of infection prevention, including transmission-based precautions, will be discussed along with ways to determine the level of precautions needed to prevent transmission while providing the least restrictive environment for the resident.

Senior Infection Preventionist
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority

***This session is eligible for Pennsylvania NHA Board Emergency Preparedness and Infection Control Specific CEUs

PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023
11 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE): Why You Can’t Afford to Not be Experienced

Did you know that all seven Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) are actively completing TPE (Targeted Probe and Educate) Audits related to rehab billing and documentation? After nearly two years of no auditing from the MACs, they are making up for lost time and they’re showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The oversight hours required to navigate a TPE and pass after the first round of medical review can be costly, but the labor cost and potential lost revenue impact will grow exponentially if two or three rounds are needed and if multiple appeals are needed for each denial. This session will discuss all that we currently know about the TPEs in general, as well as the current MAC-specific trends we’ve seen so far. The complexities and unique considerations of a part A vs a part B audit and pre-pay vs post-pay will be reviewed. Best practices will also be shared to mitigate denial risk through successful navigation of the ADR and appeals process.

Mary Saylor, MPT, RAC-CT
Medical Review and Denials Manager
Aegis Therapies, Inc.

PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)