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About Us

About Us

The leading voice for Pennsylvania's healthcare and living communities

The Pennsylvania Coalition of Affiliated Healthcare & Living Communities (PACAH) was formed in 1951 to represent county nursing facilities across the Commonwealth. Now, PACAH represents long-term living and supports providers and associated businesses, including county, veterans, private, and non-profit nursing facilities, and is dedicated to advancing excellence and improving the quality of care and life through legislative and regulatory advocacy, innovation, education, and professional networking. PACAH's goal is to provide a level of service to PACAH members that offers direction through the constant communication we have with PACAH members, the state legislature, and state agencies.

PACAH is an affiliate organization of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP) which gives us the benefit of receiving advocacy and other supportive services from CCAP as well as a seat on CCAP’s Human Services Committee which is tasked with developing human services policy for the association. To learn more about CCAP, visit the CCAP web site.

Mission Statement

The leading voice for Pennsylvania’s diverse healthcare and living communities, dedicated to advancing excellence and improving the quality of care and life through legislative and regulatory advocacy, innovation, education and professional networking provided in a close-knit and affordable setting.


A full member directory is available on our Members Only page.

Want to learn about PACAH's membership options? Visit our Join PACAH page for details.

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PELICAN Insurance, RRG

PELICAN Insurance is a Risk Retentions Group (RRG) based out of Vermont and is a sponsored program of PACAH. PELICAN provides general liability and professional liability insurance coverage to all nursing homes in Pennsylvania and Maryland. PELICAN offers dedicated and personal risk control and claims representatives who are focused on providing excellent customer services to PELICAN members.

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