Patient Safety Authority Long-Term Care Infection Prevention Symposia
News Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
The Patient Safety Authority is offering five regional Long-Term Care Infection Prevention Symposia in 2025.
The Patient Safety Authority is offering five regional Long-Term Care Infection Prevention Symposia in 2025. Don’t miss these infection prevention (IP) topics, presented by leading experts and specifically focused on long-term care: criteria and conditions required to identify infections, environmental rounding components that impact patient safety, how data is used to develop goals and revise your annual IP plan, multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) and isolation, and how to become acquainted with construction processes and blueprint drawings.
The symposia will be held on different dates at various locations throughout the commonwealth. Registration and conference times, as well as the agenda, are the same for all dates and locations.
Registration and Breakfast: 7:30–8 a.m.
Symposia: 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Register now for the location that is most convenient for you! For more information, contact your infection prevention advisor.
Tuesday, March 25 - Carpenters Union
314 Pear Street
Scranton, PA 18505
Thursday, March 27 - Hilton Garden Inn, Valley Forge/Oaks
500 Cresson Boulevard
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Tuesday, April 8 - Carpenters Union
261 Patch Way Road
Duncansville, PA 16635
Thursday, April 10 - Carpenters Union
1718 Heilmandale Road
Lebanon, PA 17046
Thursday, April 24 - Carpenters Union
652 Ridge Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
5.50 continuing education hours will be awarded for completion of this course. Continuing education credits apply to Pennsylvania registered nurses only. (Note: We have applied for nursing home administrator [NHA] credits, but are awaiting approval.)
The symposia will be held on different dates at various locations throughout the commonwealth. Registration and conference times, as well as the agenda, are the same for all dates and locations.
Registration and Breakfast: 7:30–8 a.m.
Symposia: 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Register now for the location that is most convenient for you! For more information, contact your infection prevention advisor.
Tuesday, March 25 - Carpenters Union
314 Pear Street
Scranton, PA 18505
Thursday, March 27 - Hilton Garden Inn, Valley Forge/Oaks
500 Cresson Boulevard
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Tuesday, April 8 - Carpenters Union
261 Patch Way Road
Duncansville, PA 16635
Thursday, April 10 - Carpenters Union
1718 Heilmandale Road
Lebanon, PA 17046
Thursday, April 24 - Carpenters Union
652 Ridge Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
5.50 continuing education hours will be awarded for completion of this course. Continuing education credits apply to Pennsylvania registered nurses only. (Note: We have applied for nursing home administrator [NHA] credits, but are awaiting approval.)