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PACAH Personal Membership

PACAH Personal Membership

PACAH's personal membership is available to individuals not associated with any long-term care facility or business, but interested in PACAH and maintaining membership. Examples include retired staff from a PACAH facility, an individual between employment, a students, or someone that was associated with a PACAH member facility at some point but is no longer in the long-term care field. Decision on membership in this category will be at the discretion of the Executive Director.

Member Benefits

  • One "FREE call" with expert legal counsel plus follow-up reduced legal services
  • Opportunity to sit on PACAH’s committees
  • Regular email and newsletter updates on issues affecting long-term care for an unlimited number of staff
  • Access to the PACAH listserv to discuss issues with fellow members
  • FREE webinars with CEUs
  • Regional meetings to discuss issues with fellow members
  • Discounted registration fees to PACAH's two yearly statewide conferences, offering NHA, PC, RC/AL, Fiscal, Nursing and Dietary credits and the opportunity to network and learn from premier experts in the healthcare and long-term care industry
  • FREE quarterly fiscal staff meetings with OLTL staff, and more!

Make Your Voice Heard - JOIN TODAY!

For more information about membership, contact: